Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Paleolithic Era Artwork

Venus of Willendorf , 25000-20000B.C.E

Venus of Willendorf is the earliest human figure art, that is in woman form . It was found in the 1908 by the archaeologist Josef Szombathy, he found this sculpture in a town of willendorf in Austria . That where its  name is named after  , this sculpture is carved out from a fine porous oolitic limestone not found in the region and it is 11cm in length, it represent animal and women because there is no certain fact that is evidence practical function. 

Judging from this sculpture we can see the exaggerated breasts , belly and backside , this we can probably guess is a fertility figure .the head of this sculpture have no facial and is cover with dotted line , it maybe show that is the hair style of its culture. And this sculpture have been study and put into textbook of history in art and has become an earliest art of representation "first woman" artwork .

As for my opinion , this sculpture is similar to the god of the buddha that chinese people pray to.The venus of Willerdorf sculpture head also have the dotted shape on top of it which is same as the statue for chinese buddha. (As you can see below )

Info about Siddhartha Gautama Buddha 
Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the ancient India who founded Buddhism . He was born in 565B.C.E , He is refer as the Supreme Buddha as they call him (P.sammasambuddham S. samyaksambuddha) mean "awakened one". He said to be born in a small state of Kapilavastu , Nepal. even dough is was originate from India his teaching was so good and various of his collections of teachings were pass down and spread to china . He is also regarded as a god or prophet in other world religions including Hinduism , Ahmadiyya Islam .

Exact birthplace of Gautama Buddha in Lumbini.

Queen Maya miraculously giving birth to Prince Siddhartha S.

1.Christopher L.C.E Withcombe. (ND). art history resources. In The Venus of Willendorf. Retrieved August 23,2011, from http://arthistoryresources.net/willendorf/willendorfdiscovery.html.
2.. (ND). Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. In Gautama Buddha. Retrieved August 23,2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gautama_Buddha.

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